  Many people in the world today are now aware of the devastating effects of bullying. Bullying is a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. Bullying another person can lead the victim to thoughts about suicide and/or depression. Bullying can take place in many forms. It can take place on the internet or in real-life. The type of bullying I will be talking about is the bullying that take place online, which is commonly know as cyber-bullying. Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. Cyber-bullying can have the same emotional and phycological outcomes as real-life bullying. 90% of victims will not inform a parent or trusted adult about cyber-bullying, because cyber-bullying usually has no escape. Most of the times real-life bullying only takes place during school, which is usually from 7am-3pm. On the pther hand, cyber-bullying can take place during any hour of the day.
          Victims of cyber-bullying may feel and think that there is bo escape to this situation, but they're wrong. If you are being cyber-bullied by someone and do not immediately inform your parents or a trusted adult, then at least inform a trusted friend or family member. Victims of cyber-bulling should not be afraid. The bully themself are actually weak and scared in the inside. They choose to bully others because it makes them feel overpowering and confident. If the cyber-bully contacts you online or directly/indirectly states something about you, then you should immediately ignore and avoid the statement. Don't be afraid and stand up.


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